Friday, October 28, 2005

A is for Abalienate

(Ab*al"ien*ate) (ab*al"yen*at; 94, 106), v. t. [L. abalienatus, p. p. of abalienare; ab + alienus foreign, alien. See Alien.]

1. (Civil Law) To transfer the title of from one to another; to alienate.

2. To estrange; to withdraw. [Obs.]

3. To cause alienation of Sandy's, Peggy's and Gidget's.

4. To employ a decoy in the shape of an Opossum, She Goat or Kilter-Toad.

5. To debase a trumpet, or trumpeter.

"Who let the dogs out"

Monday, October 24, 2005

A is for Abactor

(Ab*ac"tor) n. [L., fr. abigere to drive away; ab + agere to drive.]

1. (Law) One who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds or droves. [Obs.]

2. Performer in an informercial shilling for some over priced piece of dangerous/sexy fitness equipment.

3. The milking bits of a goat.

"Silent falls the mystic dew upon the cradled maw of dystopic candor. Abactor."
(Trad. Finnish)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A is for Abacist

(Ab"a*cist) n. [LL abacista, fr. abacus.]
1. One who uses an abacus in casting accounts; a calculator.

2. One who hates abacus's (abascusii), the Swedish pop group Aba (not to be confused with the Swedish pop group Abba), and snails.

"Puny abacist!"
(Mr. Monroe - Homeroom last tuesday)

A is for Abacinate

(A*bac"i*nate) v. t. [LL. abacinatus, p. p. of abacinare; ab off + bacinus a raisin.]

1. To blind by a red-hot metal plate held before the eyes. [R.]

2. Oh my God that freakin' hurts!

3. Stop it! Stop it! In the name of all that's holy please stop it!

4. To spread margarine diagonally. As a duck might.

5. I can't see a bloody thing now, I hope your satisfied Mum.

"The manager abacinated the team before taking them for pizza and ice cream."
(Merriwether -1985)

A is for Aaron's rod

Aaron's rod
(Aar"on's rod`) (A'a'r'on's ro'i'd`) [See Exodus vii. 9 and Numbers xvii. 8 - leave a message if no one answers]

1. (Arch.) A rod with one serpent twined around it, thus differing from the caduceus of Mercury, which has two. (Lucky sod)

2. (Bot.) A plant with a tall flowering stem; esp. the great mullein, or hag-taper, and the golden-rod.

3. (Frat.) Heh, heh, heh. Rod, get it?

"Aaron's Rod tastes great in milk!"
(Aaron's little cousin Zack -2002)

A is for Aard-vark

(||Aard"-vark`) (||Aaaaard"-vaork`) n. [D., earth-pig.] [D.,monkey-cow.] (Zoöl.)

1. An edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of Southern Africa. It burrows in the ground, and feeds entirely on ants, which it catches with its long, slimy tongue.

2. Very hard bark, much worse, though heavier by weight, than its bite.

3. A type of bannana (archaic)

"The aard-vark pummelled the helpless zither repairman until all was brittle and lovely"
(Lackson:1962 and again last Sunday)